Yes, it’s now official, the DreamWalk mobile app has now been
approved for release by Apple and will be available on the iTunes App Store as of March 1st. While this is great news for DreamWalk Pty. Ltd. who have been working on the revolutionary new mobile application for almost two years now, it is even better news for iPhone users who will soon be able to take advantage of this innovative new technology and begin ‘DreamWalking’.
For those of you who don’t know, DreamWalk is a mobile treasure hunt app. Using the GPS built into the iPhone, users navigate around the DreamWalk Prize Map collecting ‘real treasures’. By ‘real treasures’ I’m talking about real free products that have been placed on the map by advertisers. These treasures can range from free cheeseburgers to free ipods or even free cars and holidays. In fact, anyone from multinational corporation to hot dog stands can place prizes on the DreamWalk Prize Map for iPhone users to collect. Perhaps the greatest thing about it though is that there are no catches. Everything on the map is absolutely FREE. No 2 for 1 offers or discount coupons allowed, just free treasures waiting to be ‘DreamWalked’ into.
The application will be absolutely FREE to download from the iTunes App Store on mArch 1st, 2010. Advertisers wishing to place free giveaways on the DreamWalk Prize Map can do so by opening a free account at http://www.dreamwalkmobile.com
Let the DreamWalking begin!