Melbourne, Australia – June 5, 2009

A team of bold, young entrepreneurs has found a creative new way to merge mobile phone technology, advertising, free prizes and fun. The group has launched, a mobile treasure hunt that offers exciting benefits to both advertisers and consumers.

It allows anyone to distribute samples, giveaways and prizes to consumers anywhere in the world and, in the process,
advertise their brands and products in a way that is both interactive and entertaining, said Joseph Russell, chief executive officer of DreamWalk Pty. Ltd., a registered Australian company operating out of Melbourne, Australia. “To the consumer, the DreamWalk application for mobile devices allows the user to collect and redeem free giveaways from the DreamWalk prize map. Among the thousands of giveaways already on the map are free cheeseburgers, MP3 downloads, iPods and even Michael Jackson tickets.

“It allows anyone to distribute samples, giveaways and prizes to consumers anywhere in the world and, in the process, advertise their brands and products in a way that is both interactive and entertaining, said Joseph Russell, chief executive officer of DreamWalk Pty. Ltd., a registered Australian company operating out of Melbourne, Australia. “To the consumer, the DreamWalk application for mobile devices allows the user to collect and redeem free giveaways from the DreamWalk prize map. Among the thousands of giveaways already on the map are free cheeseburgers, MP3 downloads, iPods and even Michael Jackson tickets.

DreamWalk enables advertisers to place real prizes, samples and giveaways at GPS locations on the global DreamWalk prize map for mobile phone users to collect. Prize points positioned on the DreamWalk map also double as interactive advertisements. Mobile phone users can claim their prizes directly from the retail locations being advertised.

With DreamWalk, advertisers and consumers have a unique opportunity to capitalise on the latest technology for cell phones. Currently, it is the only mobile treasure hunt application that features actual prizes. DreamWalk is also the only mobile advertising platform to employ the GPS treasure hunt format to promote different brands and products to consumers. This creates an outstanding advantage for advertisers.“DreamWalk users will actually welcome ads onto their phones and even go out hunting for them, Russell said. “What other ad platform can say that?

DreamWalk is also unique because of the way it targets consumers. It specialises in location-based ads that allow companies to advertise to mobile phone users when they are in specific locations. This enables them to deliver interactive messages when consumers are in the best position to make a purchase. As a result, companies can enjoy healthy conversion rates and a greater return on their advertising dollars. DreamWalk represents a very valuable and versatile marketing tool for any business. “Whether it’s McDonalds giving away free fries to entice customers into their stores or a garage band giving away free MP3 downloads to gain a following, the possibilities are endless, Russell said.

The new DreamWalk application is ideal for business owners and advertising executives who want low-cost, measurable ads that target consumers in a fresh way. DreamWalk offers spam-free advertising, free online statistics, and free account registration. In addition, the Website is giving $25 in free DreamWalk credits to everyone who signs up for an account.

Through this initial launch, DreamWalk is striving to build a strong support base that is eager to leverage the convergence of mobile and Web applications and services. The mobile treasure hunt form of advertising represents a win-win for everyone involved. “Our mission is to connect advertisers with consumers in a way that not only benefits both parties, but also changes the way people think about advertising and encourages creativity and fun, Russell said.

Historically, giving away products has always been a popular and effective marketing strategy. Research shows that offers are a powerful way to stimulate demand and overall sales. And with the recession, more and more companies are trending toward using the appeal of free products to entice buyers. DreamWalk gives businesses the ultimate way to advertise freebies, while promoting their brand and products at the same time.,
or contact Joseph Russell at +506 8396 1464.

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